I’m a 4th year PhD student in the computer science department of Purdue University. I’m fortunate to be advised by Prof. David F. Gleich and Prof. Kent R. Quanrud. Prior to coming to Purdue, I obtained my Master of Science degree in computer science from Georgia Institute of Technology, where I worked with Prof. Richard Peng and Prof. Diyi Yang. Before that I got my bachelor’s degree from Dalian University of Technology.

I’m broadly interested in graph algorithms, network science, matrix computations.

When not doing research, I enjoy rock climbing, running and hiking.


\(^*\) stands for equal contribution and italics refers to alphabetical order.


  • Suboptimality bounds for trace-bounded SDPs enable a faster and scalable low-rank SDP solver SDPLR+.
    Yufan Huang, David F. Gleich.
    [paper | code]

  • A Cheeger Inequality for Size-Specific Conductance.
    Yufan Huang, David F. Gleich.

Scholarly Publications

  • Faster single-source shortest paths with negative real weights via proper hop distance.
    Yufan Huang, Peter Jin, Kent Quanrud.
    The 36th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2025).

  • Densest Subhypergraph: Negative Supermodular Functions and Strongly Localized Methods.
    Yufan Huang, David F. Gleich, and Nate Veldt.
    Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference, WWW 2024.
    [paper | code| video]

  • Theoretical bounds on the network community profile from low-rank semi-definite programming.
    Yufan Huang, C. Seshadhri, and David F. Gleich.
    Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2023.
    [paper | code | video]

  • A flexible pagerank-based graph embedding framework closely related to spectral eigenvector embeddings.
    Disha Shur\(^*\), Yufan Huang\(^*\), and David F. Gleich.
    Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 2023.
    [paper | code]

  • Hardness of Graph-Structured Algebraic and Symbolic Problems.
    Jingbang Chen, Yu Gao, Yufan Huang, Richard Peng, and Runze Wang.
    Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium, WADS 2023.

  • Continual Learning for Text Classification with Information Disentanglement Based Regularization.
    Yufan Huang\(^*\), Yanzhe Zhang\(^*\), Jiaao Chen, Xuezhi Wang, Diyi Yang. North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, NAACL 2021.
    [paper | code | video]


Teaching Assistant

Purdue University

  • CS251: Data Structures(Fall 2021)
  • CS515: Matrix Computations(Fall 2022)

Georgia Institute of Technology

  • CS4510: Automata and Complexity(Spring 2020, Fall 2020)
  • CS6515: Introduction to Graduate Algorithms(Summer 2020)
  • CS3510: Design and Analysis of Algorithms(Spring 2021)